Cookie Policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of data stored as text on your devices when they load websites. Websites use cookies to remember your preferences and browsing behaviour. Session cookies retain data for a single session, while persistent cookies retain data for repeat visits until you clear the cookies in your browser. Cookies help websites provide a more consistent, helpful experience for users by allowing users to stay logged in after signing in once. Different sites may set their own cookies, and many sites also set third-party cookies, used by content providers, advertisers, and analytics services.

Web-based content other than websites, such as emails, can also contain a type of cookies, such as web beacons, invisible pixels and others. If you disable cookies in your browser, such web content may still load but with limited functionality.

Given that cookies essentially enable organisations to read and write data on user devices, we are required by law to provide the below disclosures.

How we use cookies

Strictly-necessary cookies

Some cookies are necessary for technical reasons: to store your session (whether you’re logged in or not), to maintain information that helps our load-balancer service which keeps our website fast and more secure, or to remember whether you have provided or declined consent of optional cookies before.

Performance cookies


We use additional cookies to improve the design and functionality of our websites, as these help us keep track of navigation paths and interactions with our pages. We analyse this aggregate data to help us improve our services.

Third-party cookies


To view third-party content, such as YouTube video displayed on our websites, you first have to accept the third party’s specific terms and conditions. This includes their cookie policies, which we do not control.If you do not access such third party content, no third-party cookies are installed on your device.

Third-party cookies are also often served by advertisers such as social media platforms and search engines.

These third-party services are outside of the control of Jobularity. Providers may, at any time, change their terms of service, purpose, use of cookies, etc.

How to manage cookies

Cookies are stored in your browser. You can always see what cookies have been installed by what websites. A number of organizations and vendors offer information and tools to better understand and manage your cookies.